Report on Medical Mission to Haiti Team #3, April 8-12, 2010
Maryanne Fike (organizer, builder)
Pouya Azar (4th year Med student)
Mark Freehill (builder)
Alex Williams (filmmaker)
Although small in number, this trip was very productive.
Projects undertaken:
Primary Care Clinic was held at Anis Zunuzi Baha’I School from April 6-8. A total of 413 patients
were treated.
We hired (4) Haitian Doctors from PIH for our clinic
Construction of 12 transitional homes in local tent cities
Construction of Nura dome on the Anis Zunuzi school grounds for school use
Construction of temporary PVC school built on AZ grounds (not completed)
Local Community Involvement:
Arrangements were made once again for us to pitch our tents on the school grounds. Breakfast and
dinner were prepared by the loving AZ staff as well as translators and transportation to and from the
Insights gained during this trip:
What worked:
Having a home base at AZ school
Working with local community leaders (work with the community at large) Florintino /architect and the
various presidents of the tent cities
Constructing the shelters in the tent cities nearby AZ School.
Coordinating with AZ staff in advance
Having Haitian physician involvement
Having a Pharmacist and assistant run the Pharmacy
What did not work:
Buying materials in PAP. (5 mile drives took 3 hours out of our schedule). It is better to buy in
advance and have the materials delivered prior to our arrival.
Going forward:
Various water treatment projects are underway
Support in transitional and permanent housing requirements for the tent cities surrounding the AZ school
Finish construction of the PVC school building
Establish (2) Medical Clinics; Anis Zunuzi School in Lilivois and New Horizons school in Titayan (staffed
with Haitian doctors and our medical team)
Teach and work alongside local Haitian communities building transitional homes
Instruct the proper use and care of the Jackhammer with an accompanying business plan for (4-5)
individuals to have a business.
Primary care clinic at the orphanage in Petyonville .
Arrange for rotating schedule of volunteers to serve at the clinics
Arrange for Haitian doctors to work with us at these clinics every time
Teach a team of youth volunteers to care for other community members basic health, first aid and
mental health